PGD / Gender Selection
What is gender selection?
Gender selection is one of the Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis screenings, as PGD is used to screen Genetic / chromosomal abnormalities to help separating abnormal embryo from normal ones, doctors were able to use this diagnosis to separate the embryo according to gender as well.
How is the procedure done?
Gender Selection is one of the Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis screenings, as PGD is used to screen Genetic / chromosomal abnormalities to help separating abnormal embryo from normal ones, doctors were able to use this diagnosis to separate the embryo according to gender as well.
Over the past few decades, plenty of improvements have occurred with the medication administered, the stimulation protocols, laboratory culture media and equipment resulting in safer and more successful outcomes.
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a reproductive technology used alone with an IVF cycle to increase the potential of successful pregnancy and delivery. PGD is a genetic test on cells removed from embryos, to help selecting the best to achieve healthy pregnancy or to avoid a genetic disease for which a couple is at risk.
After embryos are created in the laboratory, they are grown for five to six days. On day five or on day six, the biopsy for PGD is done on all appropriately developing embryos. Biopsy involves removing a few cells from the trophectoderm, or the layer of cells that is hatching out of the embryo at this stage of development. The embryos are stored while genetic material inside the removed cells is tested for abnormalities (and/ or Gender), one of the Genetic & IVG’s genetic counselors discusses PGD test results with the couple, decisions regarding selection of embryos to transfer into the uterus are made with the advises of the medical team.
Gender Selection
Selecting the gender of the coming baby is becoming a social demand in some communities, although other communities might find this procedure not important or ethical, we believe in the importance of the gender selection for many parents, there is nothing wrong in choosing a princess enlighten your life, or an arming knight to raise with love and care.
Gender selection is one of the Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis screenings, doctors were able to use this diagnosis to separate the embryo according to gender as well.
How it’s done?
We use IVF treatment cycle
The procedure is carried out before transfer the embryos, biopsy of one-two cells taken for genetic analysis using special laboratory equipment, the analysis results will be given within 24 hours. Normally the embryos will carry both genders, nevertheless in some cases all embryos will carry the same sexual chromosomes. Desired healthy selected gender embryos will be transferred.
What is the process of Gender Selection?
Is Gender selection Hala in Islam?
There is no objection to it in Islamic law if there is a need for that. See Fatwa on Islam Web No. 6469