Female Infertility
Female infertility is becoming a more common medical problem. Not less than 1 in six of any couple will seek medical advice to help them to get pregnant, around 40% of these couples will have female infertility as the cause of delayed pregnancy.
So, producing an egg of a good quality and normal components every month is the beginning of the sequence of the events.
What causes female infertility?
polycystic ovaries
Mostly a regular menstrual period indicates regular ovulation on the other hand far apart period points to anovulation cycle (No ovulation). Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a common medical condition associated with anovulation and increase body hair growth with hormonal imbalances. Premature ovarian failure is another medication condition which is far less common where the ovary unfortunately stops producing the eggs due to the lack of reserve.
Fallopian tube
The Fallopian tube is a very fine muscular tube which connects the space surrounding the ovary to the uterine cavity. This is a very delicate organ which can be affected by several disease. Infection and pelvic adhesions can cause significant damage which may cause permanent blockage of the Fallopian tube. Furthermore, Endometriosis is a medical condition which destroys several pelvic organs one of which is the fallopian tube.
Uterine Problems
The uterus (womb) is where the fertilized egg (embryo) will get implanted and grow to be a viable pregnancy. The endometrium (lining of the uterus) is the most important part and responsible for accommodating the embryo. The thickness of the endometrium reflects its ability to maintain the pregnancy. Occasionally polyps or fibroids may grow in the endometrium at will really disturb its function. Uterine septum is a congenital deformity which may affect the uterine cavity.
Furthermore, there are some matters related to the life style which may affect the female fertility. The women’s age is the most important determining factor of the female fertility. The fertility is maintained until the age of 35 years, and after that the ovarian reserve gets less and the quality of the eggs start to get worse. Around the age of 40 years the chance of pregnancy gets really low, and after the age of 45 years only few lucky ladies may get pregnant. Unfortunately, the woman’s age affects both natural pregnancy and medically assisted pregnancy, so we strongly advise mothers not to delay their first pregnancy.
Over weight or obesity is becoming more popular unfortunately. Obesity in women is associated with at least 10% reduction in the chances of getting pregnant, and furthermore significant medical and non-medical problems during the pregnancy. Obesity causes hormonal imbalance which disturbs the ovulation and affects the integrity of the lining of the uterus. Adding to that over weight may increase the possibility of vaginal infection and reduce the frequency of intercourse and both will lead to decreasing the chances of pregnancy.
Smoking is a bad habit which has several negative health effects. No doubt that smoking reduces the chances of pregnancy, both natural and medically assisted. Smoking causes poor quality eggs, poor embryo implantation, reduces fertilization and furthermore causes early abortion.
We always strive to help you, do not hesitate to contact us at any time
Ph: +962-79-6055991
Address: Jordan – Amman – Farah Hospital